man page of webhdr_jpgsep


webhdr_jpgsep - Separate sequences of exposure-bracketed images into their own sub-directories.


webhdr_jpgsep [options] file1.jpg file2.jpg .. fileN.jpg

Options: -help brief help message -man full documentation -versions print version info of loaded modules -debug output intermediate image files for debugging -g|--gap time between two successive frames -b|--base base name of the output directory -y|--yes skip confirmation -u|--undo undo: move JPEGs out of their sub-directories --verbose verbose: produce additional output.


webhdr_jpgsep will separate all JPEG images given to it as arguments into individual sub-directories. The criterion for this is the inter-frame gap, which is the time difference between the capture date of a frame and the next frame. The images need to be passed in the correct order for this to work. Shell wild cards seem to work well, while Perl directory listings DO NOT. The algorithm is smart enough to subtract the time it too to shoot the next frame from the gap time, although this is obviously only any good for exposure times beyond 1 second. The default gap is 30 seconds. This can be over-written with the -g gap option.

Directories will be named with -b basename, followed by a running index that is left-padded with a zero to two places, e.g. 01. If any directory with a name starting with basename exists, the program will drop out. The default for -b is 'hdr'.

After looking at all images and determining their gaps, webhdr_jpgsep produces detailed output about the action that it is about to take. This needs to be confirmed by the user, which requires the input of 'y', followed by a return. This interactive confirmation can be disabled with the -y option. It is highly recommended to set the --verbose switch for additional output.

The -u option can undo the process: It will move all JPEGs out of their sub-directories into the working directory. For this, it needs to know which directories to process, which is again given with the -b base option.

webhdr_jpgsep will refuse to work with the -u option if any of the directories contain sub-directories, if they contain files other than JPEG images, or if the files that are to be moved already exist in the current working directory.



Print a brief help message and exit.


Print the manual page and exit.


Print version information of the program, loaded modules, Perl, and the OS.


Write out the intermediate image files for debugging. This also prints additional information that might be helpful for troubleshooting.


Gap between two frames, in seconds. The default for this option is 30 seconds. The time it took to take the next frame is considered in the calculation.


Base name of the new directories. The default is 'hdr', resulting in directories 'hdr01', 'hdr02' etc.


Skip the interactive confirmation (answer 'yes').


Undo: Move all JPEG images from the directories whose names starts with -b base back to the working directory.


Print additional information about the images in each sequence and their exposure times before confirmation is requested.


Separate JPGs into sequences that are at least 40 seconds apart:

  webhdr_jpgsep -g 40 -b laboratory_hdr DSC_*.JPG

Undo the previous command and remove all directories, which are now empty.

  webhdr_jpgsep -b laboratory_hdr -u



Copyright 2013 Axel Jacobs

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.